Planes formativos

Create a Rube Goldberg Machine in Fortnite Creative

Fortnite Creative
Full of humor, wit, and based on simple machines, Rube Goldberg inventions are described as overly complex machines comprised of a number of automated actions to solve a simple problem. Students will learn about the exciting world of physics by creating their own Rube Goldberg Machine in Fortnite Creative mode.


In this lesson, students will learn about simple machines, engineering, and automation as they design and build a Rube Goldberg Machine in Fortnite Creative. In the process, students will learn about simple machines, apply the Design Thinking Model to create a complex solution to a simple problem, demonstrate an understanding of automation, physics, and engineering principles as they design and build their functioning machine, develop and test hypotheses while engaging in the iterative design process.

Students will be able to:

  • Identify simple machines and their purpose.
  • Develop and test a hypothesis.
  • Create a Rube Goldberg machine comprised of a variety of simple machines that create a complex solution to a simple problem.
  • Create a problem in order to develop a solution.
  • Understand some of the basic principles of physics.



Grade level

Ages 13+

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  • Autor:Steve Isaacs
  • Fecha de lanzamiento:03-2020