Planes formativos

Designing a TV Operating Device in Twinmotion

Your challenge, if you choose to accept it: Design a remote control that will set a new standard for living room luxury. Work from initial concepts to final presentation, learning what it takes to make a design really pop.


How cool is your remote controller? Not cool enough? Well, here’s an opportunity to make your device stand apart! Your challenge is to design a remote control device that will set the standards for the future of TV screen time. With the help of Twinmotion, you’ll define your product’s appearance, and produce a series of high-quality rendered images to show off your design.

Students will create a remote controller device using a 3D CAD software of choice and Twinmotion. In the process, students will:
  • Learn about design sketching to develop original designs.
  • Incorporate 2D & 3D CAD modeling to formalize final designs.
  • With Twinmotion, transform CAD models into photorealistic presentations.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of ergonomics, drafting, and drawing principles.
  • Develop and test hypotheses while engaging in the iterative design process.

Students will be able to:

  • Identify and apply the steps in the design process.
  • Gather and apply information pertinent to design planning.
  • Plan and organize the project.
  • Create concept and scaled sketches of design ideas.
  • Use appropriate design tools to create CAD drawings and full-scale, 3D-printed models.
  • Produce photorealistic render images with Twinmotion.
  • Report and reflect on their experience with the design process using a suitable oral and/or written format.



Grade level

Grade 12 (Ages 13+)

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  • Duración del curso:1 hora 15 minutos
  • Autor:Mike Santolupo
  • Fecha de lanzamiento:05-2021