The purpose of the Marketplace is to provide high-quality content to Unreal Engine developers for their commercial projects or educational purposes, and the aim of these guidelines is to make obtaining and distributing great Unreal Engine content easy and beneficial for everyone. Although we’ll always do our best to work with sellers to resolve any issues, products may be rejected at any time for failure to meet criteria outlined in these guidelines.

Violation of these guidelines may result in actions against an account, including, but not limited to, removal of products, suspension, or termination of seller/customer accounts.

These guidelines are subject to change. Please be sure to review these guidelines often.

For any questions or concerns about any of the guidelines presented below, please contact us here.

1.1 General

1.1.a Products must be complete and fully functional as advertised upon submission.

1.1.b Products reviewed for approval of publishing rights must be Unreal Engine content submitted via the Seller Portal.

1.1.c Products must not be offensive, vulgar, or slanderous toward any person, group, organization, product, or in any way defaming of Epic Games, Unreal, or the Marketplace.

1.1.d Products must not contain or be marketed using any copyrighted or trademark protected names, branding, or content, including any Epic-owned trademarks (such as game titles, logos, or character names), unless owned by or adequately licensed to the seller.

1.1.e Epic reserves the right to decline or request changes to content that contains sensitive subject matter. This includes, but is not limited to, gruesome content, exploitation, sexual content, propaganda, and hate speech.


1.2 Product Info

1.2.1 Product Titles

1.2.1.a Titles must be accurate and relevant to their products.

1.2.1.b Titles must not contain words pertaining to Epic Games, Unreal Engine, or any organization or product other than the seller's own properties, unless allowed by Epic.

1.2.1.c Adjectives or any other descriptive language used in the title must be truthful and accurately represent the assets and/or functionality of the product.

1.2.1.d Titles must be in English with correct spelling and proper grammar, except where intentionally stylized.

1.2.2 Description Text

1.2.2.a Text in the Tags, Short Description, Long Description, and Technical Information fields must be accurate and relevant to their products.

1.2.2.b Text in the Tags, Short Description, Long Description, and Technical Information fields must be in English with correct spelling and proper grammar, except where intentionally stylized.

1.2.2.c Sellers are required to include a video URL in the Long Description for animated products and strongly recommend to include a video URL for Blueprint products. The video should be a Featurette/Example video like a commercial for the product, displaying its functionality, and should typically be no longer than 1 or 2 minutes.

1.2.2.d Sellers are required to include an audio preview URL in the Long Description for Music and Sound FX products.

1.2.2.e Selecting a product’s category generates a template of incomplete text in the Technical Information field, which must be completed to fill in at least the specifications listed in the template.

1.2.2.f Technical Information text must identify any dependencies, prerequisites, or other requirements for use of the product.

1.2.3 Category

1.2.3.a Products must exist in the category that is the most relevant to their functionality.

1.2.4 Price

1.2.4.a Prices are selected by the product’s seller, but they are expected to reflect the approximate value of the product.

1.2.4.b Products may only have a price of Free if they are Code Plugins or by Epic’s request.

1.2.4.c Price selections are in US Dollars. International retail prices are calculated periodically by converting the base price into other currencies, applying any local sales taxes and VAT, and rounding or otherwise adjusting based on local pricing practices. Epic won’t sell sellers’ products for more than the selected base price except for making international retail price adjustments.

1.2.4.d For Epic Event sales, Epic may occasionally work with sellers to temporarily lower the base price of a product for a limited period of time, but this will only be done by mutual agreement.

1.3 Media

1.3.a Images must accurately display the relevant functionality or contents of the product.

1.3.b Images must not display any unlicensed third-party copyrighted material.

1.3.c Images must be clearly labeled to clarify if the assets displayed were rendered outside of the Unreal Engine.

1.3.d Images must not contain any offensive or graphic material.

1.4 Files

1.4.1 Project File Link

1.4.1.a Project Versions must have a Project File Link that navigates to a hosting site (such as GoogleDrive/Dropbox/OneDrive/etc.) at which the product’s files can be downloaded by Epic.

1.4.1.b Project File Links must host the download of a zip archive containing only one Unreal Engine project or plugin folder for as long as it takes Epic to generate a build for those distributable files. The hosted project or plugin must be built in the same engine version as the earliest Supported Engine Version of that Project Version.

1.4.1.c If the files hosted at the Project File Link have any kind of password or encryption key that Epic needs, it can be typed into the Version Notes of that Project Version.

1.4.2 Supported Engine Versions

1.4.2.a Sellers are responsible for assisting customers who experience issues using their product in a Supported Engine Version.

1.4.2.b Upon initial submission and approval, every product must contain a Project Version that has the latest version of Unreal Engine as a Supported Engine Version.

1.4.2.c Code Plugin products must have a Project Version for every different Supported Engine Version, each with different Project File Links that host different overarching plugin folders, even if they are duplicates with just different values in the “EngineVersion” key of their .uplugin descriptors.

1.4.2.d Sellers who wish for their content-only project to support a new engine version may either simply add that engine version to the product’s latest Project Version or submit a File Update to add a new Project Version.

1.4.3 Supported Platforms

1.4.3.a Sellers are responsible for assisting customers who experience issues using their product on a Supported Platform.

1.4.4 Distribution Method

1.4.4.a Products meant to be merged into and used with a customer’s existing project should have the Distribution Method of Asset Pack.

1.4.4.b Products with a Distribution Method of Asset Pack must not include Level Blueprints, mandatory Config (.ini) files, or other assets that cannot be easily added/migrated to other projects.

1.4.4.c Products meant to be stand-alone projects or frameworks that customers can use as a foundation to build their product from should have the Distribution Method of Complete Project.

1.4.5 Third-Party Software Usage

1.4.5.a Sellers must declare whether or not their product includes, uses, depends on, or distributes Third-Party Software of any kind. Third-Party Software means any and all files, including, but not limited to, fonts, graphics, sounds, APIs, content, source code, or compiled libraries, from sources other than the seller or Epic Games.

1.4.5.b Products that have a Third-Party Software Usage declaration of "This Product Uses Third-Party Software", must also have an accompanying declaration form completed during plugin submission.

2.1 General

2.1.a Upon initial submission and approval, Epic will review products to ensure they function in the latest major engine version as advertised.

2.1.b Unused plugin dependencies of content-only projects must have a value of False for their corresponding “Enabled” key in the .uproject descriptor.

2.1.c Required dependencies of content-only projects must be available through the Marketplace and be clearly stated in the product’s description.

2.1.d Content must consist primarily of original work and differ from the result of public tutorials.

2.1.e Sample content from Epic Games must not be an integral part of your product, but used for display or example purposes only.

2.1.f Substantial portions of source code, Blueprints, and/or Material Blueprints from Epic Games must be used for example purposes only.

2.1.g Projects must have their redirectors cleaned up.

2.1.h Content must function in binary builds of the Unreal Engine downloaded from the Epic Games Launcher. While products may provide extra functionality to customers using source-built versions of the Unreal Engine, they must not fully depend on the customer building the Unreal Engine from source to use them.

2.2 Legal

2.2.a Products must comply with the Marketplace Distribution Agreement.

2.2.b Sellers must have legal rights to distribute all content of the products they submit to and distribute through the Marketplace.

2.2.c Products must not contain or be marketed using any copyrighted or trademarked names, branding, designs, materials, or content not owned by or adequately licensed to the seller. Without written permission from Epic, Epic-owned assets may not be used to create sequels or emulate, remake, remaster, or otherwise republish any games created or published by Epic; and Epic-owned trademarks, such as game titles, logos, or character names, may not be used except as permitted under Epic’s fan art policy. Reports of copyright or trademark infringement should follow the guidelines outlined in the Reporting Infringement page.

2.2.d Use of unmodified public domain content is limited to assisting with presentation, while not being the majority of the submission, and the content must have been modified so as to bring new value to the assets. Sellers must cite the source and include a link to the source content in the product’s Technical Information that includes clear public domain usage information. Epic will verify via that link that the content is in the public domain and fully redistributable.

2.2.e Products must function independently of any third-party software not declared during submission.

2.2.f Products must not use third-party software licensed under GPL, LGPL, EPL, MSPL, or other license that would directly or indirectly require that all or part of the Product be governed under any terms other than the Epic Content License Agreement.

2.2.g Products distributed through the Marketplace are licensed only under the Epic Content License Agreement, which is not superseded by custom licenses sellers include in their products’ distributed files.

2.2.h Products distributed through the Marketplace are subject to regional prohibitions and restrictions.

2.3 Art

2.3.1 Animations

2.3.1.a Animations must be clean, consistent, and function visually as intended for their purpose.

2.3.1.b All skeletal meshes not rigged to the Epic skeleton must have a custom relatively scaled skeleton and animations distributed with them or a full Control Rig.

2.3.2 Skeletal Meshes

2.3.2.a Skeletal meshes must be scaled to the Epic or MetaHumans skeleton so that they’re scaled correctly when imported into a new project.

2.3.2.b Humanoid skeletal meshes must be rigged to the Epic or MetaHumans skeleton. If a custom relatively scaled skeleton is preferred, all necessary animations must be distributed with them.

2.3.2.c For products rigging to the Epic or MetaHumans skeleton, they must use the same bone names, IK joints must stay unweighted in the same place of the hierarchy, and the joint orientations must not be repositioned. If the skeleton contains additional bones or any modifications, it must be documented and available on the product page.

2.3.2.d Physics Assets must properly cover skeletal meshes where applicable.

2.3.2.e Physics Assets should yield appropriate results for the product's intended use when simulated in the Physics Asset Editor.

2.3.3 Static Meshes

2.3.3.a Products advertising modular use of their assets must have meshes whose pivot points are placed for smooth assembly.

2.3.3.b Products advertising modular use of their assets must have meshes that snap together cleanly on the standard 10cm grid.

2.3.3.c Static meshes must have no overlapping or wrapping UVs for lightmaps.

2.3.3.d Meshes must not have any material discrepancies, visible seams, or lightmap issues.

2.3.3.e Meshes in a single product must be scaled correctly relative to each other.

2.3.3.f Meshes must have proper collision where applicable.

2.3.3.g Meshes must make proper use of LODs and their product’s description must state what LODs are included (even if zero LODs are included).

2.3.3.h Static Meshes must not have a Light Map Coordinate Index of 0, unless they’re referenced only by Particle Systems.

2.3.4 Maps

2.3.4.a Each project that has assets or functionality to be displayed in the 3d viewport of the Unreal Engine must have a map that demonstrates them.

2.3.4.b Maps must have their lighting built.

2.3.4.c Maps must have no errors or consequential warnings upon load or at the start of Play-In-Editor.

2.3.4.d Maps must have no z-fighting or unreasonably overlapping polygons.

2.3.5 Materials

2.3.5.a Materials meant for use with mobile platforms must fully render in the mobile preview mode of the editor.

2.3.5.b Products should use material instances where possible.

2.3.6 Particle Effects

2.3.6.a Particle effects must have LODs if they’re intended to be viewed at multiple distances.

2.3.6.b Particle emitter names must be accurate and relevant and must not be “Particle Emitter” unless they’re the only emitter in a given particle system.

2.3.7 Textures

2.3.7.a Both dimensions of each texture should have a size that is a power of 2 where applicable (e.g. 1024x512 or 1024x4096).

2.3.7.b Textures must have a maximum size in either dimension of 8192.

2.3.7.c Textures must be an appropriate resolution for their intended assets, if any.

2.4 Audio

2.4.a Audio files must be imported into the engine as .wav files.

2.4.b Each .wav file must be referenced by at least one Sound Cue.

2.5 Blueprints

2.5.a Blueprint nodes included in a submission must add new functionality, or condense a sizable amount of manual work into much fewer nodes.

2.5.b Blueprints must be neatly laid out and make reasonable use of functions to organize the logic structure.

2.5.c Functions, variables, and events should all use names that reflect their intended purpose or use in the Blueprint.

2.5.d Blueprints must have no loose nodes unless they’re commented for example/tutorial purposes.

2.5.e Blueprints must generate no errors or consequential warnings.

2.6 Code Plugins

2.6.1 .uplugin Descriptors

2.6.1.a .uplugin descriptors must have an “EngineVersion” key present whose value dictates the major engine version (e.g. 4.x.0) the plugin is intended to be installed to. For instance, if the plugin is meant for Unreal Engine version 4.17:
"EngineVersion" : "4.17.0",

2.6.1.b .uplugin descriptors must have an “PlatformAllowList” or “PlatformDenyList” key in each module to specify compilation for the appropriate platforms that the module is intended to be built for with something similar to:
"PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64", "Win32", "Mac", "IOS", "Android" ]

2.6.1.c .uplugin descriptors must have a “MarketplaceURL” key present whose value dictates the Epic Games Launcher address at which the engine will download missing plugins if customers try to open projects that depend on them. After the product has been submitted for approval, the “MarketplaceURL” value should contain the ID at the end of the product’s Seller Portal URL. For instance, if a seller finds their Code Plugin product to have a URL of, the following key and value should exist in the .uplugin:
"MarketplaceURL" : "com.epicgames.launcher://ue/marketplace/product/ad53b85f109c87b4a8bf580898186114",

2.6.1.d Plugins can depend on Unreal Engine plugins distributed with the engine, but must not depend on other user-made Unreal Engine plugins.

2.6.2 Code

2.6.2.a Code plugins must not be ‘closed-source’ with regard to any code the seller created which requires Unreal Engine source code to compile; that code must be included in the zipped up plugin folder. The only externally compiled static libraries or DLLs that would be acceptable for including in a submission would be code which does not include or reference any Unreal Engine source code. Customers should have the plugin source code that's dependent on Unreal Engine source code so that they may attempt to compile it against source-built versions of the engine.

2.6.2.b All source and header files must contain a commented copyright notice (not the auto-generated Epic Games text) notating the seller's name or company name as well as year of intended publishing.

2.6.2.c Plugins must contain at least one module of C++ code but can contain content as well.

2.6.2.d Plugins must introduce new editor functionality, integrate UE with third-party systems, or expose complex gameplay logic to blueprints. Although extra scripts and assets may be distributed with a plugin to be used in supplementary tools (such as 3D modelling software, database management systems etc.), the majority of the submission must provide additions or modifications to be used in the Unreal Editor directly.

2.6.2.e Plugins must not distribute .exe or .msi files.

2.6.3 Compilation

2.6.3.a Code plugins must generate no errors or consequential warnings.

2.6.3.b Plugins will be distributed with the binaries built by Epic’s compilation toolchain, so sellers must ensure that final debugging has been completed by clicking "Package..." on their plugin in the Plugins windows of the editor to test compilation before sending in a new plugin version. Sellers can also run this command from installed binary builds of each Unreal Engine version they’d like to compile their plugin for:
Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildPlugin -Plugin=[Path to .uplugin file, must be outside engine directory] -Package=[Output directory] -Rocket

2.6.3.c Plugins being built against engine versions 4.18 onward will be ensured to be IWYU compatible. Sellers can add the following to the plugin’s .build.cs files to enable IWYU:
PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;

2.6.3.d Epic will only build sellers’ plugins against the three latest major engine versions available.

2.6.3.e Plugins being built against engine versions 4.20 onward that need to include files from their own plugin directory must add those include paths using the ModuleDirectory property in their .build.cs. If
using System.IO;
exists at the top of the .build.cs, Sellers can use the following syntax where "MyFolder" is the name of the directory under the current module they'd like to include:
PublicIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "MyFolder"));

2.6.4 Example Projects

2.6.4.a All plugins purchased and imported from the Epic Games Launcher will be installed as an engine plugin (to "\Epic Games\EngineVersion\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace"), not a project plugin, so sellers are strongly encouraged to create an Example Project to be used in conjunction with the plugin to display its functionality to new customers.

2.6.4.b Sellers opting to distribute example projects for their Code Plugins should add a link to their Technical Information, beside the specification “Example Project:“, that navigates to a hosting site (such as Google Drive/Dropbox/OneDrive/etc.) at which the example project can be downloaded.

2.6.4.c Example projects should have .uproject descriptors that depend on products’  plugins, but should not contain the actual plugins, as customers should only be installing those from the Epic Games Launcher.

2.7 File Structure

2.7.1 Naming Convention

2.7.1.a Folder and files must be accurate and consistent in naming convention within the context of their own project.

2.7.1.b Folders and files must not be vaguely-named such as “Assets”, "NewFolder", etc.

2.7.1.c Folder and file names must contain only English alphanumeric characters and underscores.

2.7.2 Content-only Projects

2.7.2.a Project folders must not contain unused folders, Plugins folders, or local folders (such as Binaries, Build, Intermediate or Saved), so for a project that might be called "MyProject", this leaves the following file and folders to be zipped up for submission:
├── Config
├── Content
│   └── MyProject
├── MyProject.uproject

2.7.2.b In order to reduce migration conflicts after importing project files from the Epic Games Launcher, all project-specific assets must be stored in one top level folder under the Content folder; there must be no other folders or files directly under the Content folder.

2.7.2.c Assets inside the top level folder under the Content folder must be sorted into folders by asset type or specific sets of relevant assets.

2.7.2.d Including the name of the top level folder under the Content folder, all asset file paths must be 140 characters or less.

2.7.3 Code Plugins

2.7.3.a Plugin folders must not contain unused folders or local folders (such as Binaries, Build, Intermediate or Saved), so for a plugin that might be called "MyPlugin", this leaves the following files and folders to be zipped up for submission:
├── Config
├── Content
├── Resources
├── Source
│   ├── MyModule
│   │   ├── Private
│   │   ├── Public
│   │   └──
│   └── ThirdParty
├── MyPlugin.uplugin

2.7.3.b For folders in the overarching plugin folder meant for distribution besides the Content, Resources, or Source folders (like Docs folders), there must exist a Config folder in which there is a "FilterPlugin.ini" that contains something similar to:

2.7.3.c Starting with the overarching plugin folder (the one containing the Source folder and .uplugin file), all file paths must be 170 characters or less.

2.7.3.d Third-party dependencies may only be used with proof of permission and must be placed in a ThirdParty folder located inside the Source folder.

2.8 Quality

2.8.a Content should utilize appropriate optimization for the product’s intended use.

2.8.b Content should not consist primarily of easily reproduced assets.

2.8.c Content should not contain assets that have logical, operational, or visual defects.

2.9 Documentation

2.9.a Products that require particular knowledge of how to set up or use must contain, distribute, or direct customers to free documentation that covers implementation, application and/or modification of the associated products. This includes instructing users on how to download, install, and/or integrate any required third-party software that can't be redistributed directly via a product's files.

2.9.b Documentation should take the form of web-based guides, txt/pdf files, code/Blueprint comments, videos, or in-editor tutorial Blueprint assets.

2.9.c Documentation must be in English, but sellers may include translated versions of their documentation as well.

2.10 Content Moderation

2.10.a For information about our content moderation practices, please visit our Safety and Security Center.

2.11 Suggested Content

2.11.a The Unreal Engine Marketplace makes recommendations of products to users. Our recommendation features include:

  • Special discounts: we show products on sale, with the newest products shown first.
  • New releases: we show products based on their publication date.
  • Related content: we show similar products based on a user’s previous views, ranked by publication date.

3.1 Support

3.1.a Sellers must ensure all their published products function as advertised, as well as assist customers who report issues using their products in Supported Engine Versions on Supported Platforms.

3.1.b Sellers must ensure all their published products support at least one of the three latest engine versions. If a product does not support at least one of the three latest engine versions, it can be removed from sale on the Unreal Engine Marketplace at the sole discretion of Epic Games (products will remain active and can be downloaded by all buyers that have previously acquired it).

3.1.c Sellers must provide and actively monitor a Support Email Address (configurable in the Store tab of the Seller Portal settings page).

3.1.d Sellers may provide links to a personal site, Twitter, Facebook, or other third-party website as long as the site or account belongs to the seller.

3.2 Communication

3.2.a Sellers are held responsible for their communication with staff, the community, and their customers, and are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism while being courteous, approachable, responsive, and respectful toward others; harassment or abusive language will not be tolerated.

3.2.b Sellers must follow all Forum Rules when posting in the Unreal Engine forums, including the Creators Hub.

3.2.c Providing information about products through forums, comments, or other Epic channels is considered official representation and must be maintained as part of a seller's support for their product.

3.2.d Sellers may not, without the permission of the relevant user, share the private information of other users including, but not limited to, their actual name, email address, phone number, etc.

3.3 Seller Info

3.3.a Seller Names (configurable in the Store tab of the Seller Portal settings page) must not be offensive, vulgar, or slanderous toward any person, group, organization, or product. Seller Names must also not contain words pertaining to Epic Games, Unreal Engine, or any organization or product other than the seller's own properties.

3.3.b Sellers must provide an accurate taxpayer ID, tax forms, and bank or PayPal information (configurable in the Tax and Payout Info tabs of the Seller Portal settings page) to receive funds for products sold through the Marketplace.

3.4 Payouts

3.4.a Payouts are only issued when the payout amount (88% of net sales) is $100 or greater. If the $100 minimum is not met in that month, the funds are rolled over and combined with the following month's funds until the $100 threshold is met, or the end of the calendar year is reached. 

3.4.b Payouts are issued within 30 days after the end of the calendar month. For example, revenue from sales that occurred during the month of March (March 1st through March 31st) will be paid out on or before April 30th.

3.4.c Payouts will be processed through Hyperwallet and sellers may choose one of two methods for monthly payouts: US dollar wire transfers to bank accounts or electronic fund transfers to PayPal accounts. Payout methods may vary per country.

3.4.d Refunds will be processed in accordance with section 4.3 of the Marketplace Guidelines, and will be deducted from the seller’s next payout.

3.4.e Epic retains 12% of the net sale amount of every product sold through the Marketplace.

3.5 Marketing

3.5.a Sellers must provide their own product promotion and marketing.

3.5.b Epic does not guarantee opportunities for enhancements to public exposure and is not required to provide advertising or other marketing initiatives for any product or seller.

3.6 Sales

3.6.1 Individual Sales

3.6.1.a To request a discounted sale for one of their published products, sellers must email from their Primary Email Address (configurable in the Seller tab of the Seller Portal settings page) at least two weeks before the intended start date of the sale with the following information:

  1. Product Title
  2. Start and End dates of the sale (14 days maximum)
  3. Discount Percentage (% off)

Epic maintains sole discretion to determine the final sales price of any product.

3.6.1.b Products included in an individual sale cannot go on sale again until 30 days after the first sale ends.

3.6.1.c Products cannot go on sale until 14 days after their initial publishing.

3.6.1.d Sales must have a discount percentage from 10-50% off and the discount in price must amount to a minimum of $1 USD in savings.

3.6.2 Epic Event Sales

3.6.2.a For invitation-only themed sales, Epic will invite all sellers whose products have been determined to be relevant to the theme.

3.6.2.b For open-enrollment sales, Epic will invite all sellers who have at least one published product.

3.6.2.c Sellers invited to Epic Event sales will be emailed at their Primary Email Address (configurable in the Seller tab of the sellers settings page) with all the information necessary to participate in the sale as well as a deadline to respond.

3.6.2.d Sellers must respond to the email invitation by the provided deadline to participate, but sellers also have the option of declining participation in Epic Event sales.

3.6.2.e Epic reserves the right to offer discounts and to sell products below their base price, in which case, whatever the discounted price, the seller will still receive 88% of the base price for every sale.

3.6.2.f The listed product price shown during a sale should not differ significantly from the price at which the product is generally sold. The full price should not be artificially inflated in order to make a better savings claim.

4.1 Professionalism

4.1.a Customers are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism while being courteous, approachable, responsive, and respectful toward others; spam, harassment, or abusive language will not be tolerated.

4.1.b Customers must follow all Forum Rules when posting in the Unreal Engine forums.

4.2 Purchasing

4.2.1 Usage Rights

4.2.1.a Purchasing a Marketplace product grants to the purchaser a non-exclusive, worldwide, and perpetual license to download, use, copy, post, modify, promote, license, sell, publicly perform, publicly display, digitally perform, distribute, or transmit the content for personal, promotional, and/or commercial purposes under the Epic Content License Agreement. Distribution of products via the Marketplace is not a sale of the content but the granting of digital rights to the customer.

4.2.1.b Sublicensing Marketplace assets in Source Code format is prohibited.  Sublicensing Marketplace assets in object code format, or any Content, is also prohibited except to grant end users the ability to use, or to permit sellers and distributors to market and Distribute, a Product Distributed as permitted in Section 3(a) of the Epic Content License Agreement.

4.2.1.c All content hosted by Epic Games is exclusively downloadable through the Epic Games Launcher. Once downloaded, most content can be exported to obtain the source files and/or migrated to other existing Unreal Engine projects.

4.2.2 Billing

4.2.2.a We accept all major payment methods, including:

  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • PayPal (We currently do not accept PayPal balance, PayPal gift cards, prepaid cards or virtual prepaid cards)
  • paysafecard
  • Amazon Pay
  • iDeal
  • QIWI
  • Skrill

Many other forms of local payment types are accepted depending on the country.

4.2.2.b Debit cards that require PIN entry are not accepted forms of payment.

4.2.2.c Prepaid credit or debit cards are not supported and may not work for Marketplace purchases.

4.2.2.d PayPal accounts must be linked to debit or credit card in order to be usable for Marketplace purchases.

4.2.2.e Receipts/Invoices will be automatically sent via email to the address associated with the purchasing Epic Games account, but they can also be found in the payment history tab of the personal dashboard. Requests for an invoice that includes company and VAT information can be made by completing this form.

4.3 Refunds

4.3.a Refund requests must be made by submitting a Marketplace Refund Request Case here within 14 days from the date the transaction took place, and must include:

  • Email address associated with the purchase
  • Order ID from the emailed receipt
  • Reason for refund request
  • Repro steps and a detailed description of the issue including screenshots, videos, and logs where possible
  • Any suggestions or support provided by the product’s seller

4.3.b Refunds will be granted within 14 days for the following reasons:

  • Epic is able to confirm that the customer has never downloaded the product
  • Epic is able to reproduce a reported technical issue with the content that prevents customers from using a product as advertised with one of its Supported Engine Versions on one of its Supported Platforms
  • Any media or descriptive language the seller used to represent the product does not accurately represent the assets and/or functionality of the content being distributed
  • Epic receives an email from the seller giving permission to grant the refund for the purchase
  • Epic has reason to believe the purchase was fraudulent
  • Epic determines in its sole discretion that a refund is warranted given the circumstances