학습 계획안

Build Your First 3D Game: Learn Collision Detection in Unreal Engine

Computer Science and Engineering
Unreal Engine
Hour of Code
Lesson 1 | Have you ever wondered how developers create platform games that involve running and jumping, while hopefully not falling to your demise? In this lesson, students will learn how to build a simple parkour course.


Have you ever wondered how developers create platform games that involve running and jumping, while hopefully not falling to your demise? Now it’s your turn to become the developer and build your own 3D game using Unreal Engine, one of the industry standard tools for game development.

In this lesson, you will learn how to build a simple parkour course to get the player through a hallway, and across a treacherous void. You will learn about collision detection and how important it is in computer programming, especially game development. You will also have a chance to get familiar with navigating the Unreal Engine user interface, more specifically the Viewport. You will explore the interface in order to modify objects to include collision detection and place objects throughout the level to develop the game world.

Students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of collision detection as a concept.
  • Apply the understanding of collision detection in the context of a game.
  • Create and modify a game level in a true game engine (Unreal Engine) that incorporates the use of collision detection.


Computer Science & Engineering

Grade level

Grades 8-12 (Ages 13+)

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  • 강좌 분량:1 시간 0 분
  • 강사:Steve Isaacs, Brian Dickman, and Ian Southwell
  • 출시일:12-2020