학습 계획안

Moving Platforms and Checkpoints: Loops and Boolean Variables in Unreal Engine

Computer Science and Engineering
Unreal Engine
Hour of Code
Lesson 2 | Many games include moving platforms to add a challenging and exciting game mechanic. In this lesson, students will learn how to build a game level with floating islands, using moving platforms.


Many games include moving platforms to add a challenging and exciting game mechanic. Have you ever wondered how this is accomplished? Now it’s your turn to become the developer and use Unreal Engine, one of the industry-standard tools for game development. 

In this lesson, you will learn how to build a game level with floating islands, using moving platforms. To make it to safety, the player must time their jumps to traverse the sky, moving from island to island. You’ll learn computer programming concepts including loops and Boolean variables, and how important they are, particularly in game development. This lesson is the second part of the Unreal Engine Hour of Code™ series.

Students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of loops as a computer science concept.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of Boolean variables.
  • Apply the understanding of loops and Boolean variables in the context of a game.
  • Create and modify a game level in a true game engine (Unreal Engine) that incorporates the application of loops and Boolean variables.


Computer Science & Engineering

Grade level

Grades 8-12 (Ages 13+)

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  • 강좌 분량:1 시간 0 분
  • 강사: Steve Isaacs, Brian Dickman, and Ian Southwell
  • 출시일:12-2020