Charon: Game Data Editor

GameDevWare - 代码插件 - 2024/03/22

Charon: Game data management plugin with visual editor, multi-language text, data import/export, and source code generation.

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    5.1, 5.3 - 5.4
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A plugin designed for comprehensive game data management. It facilitates the definition of a game's data structure, which includes various elements such as dialogs, items, perks, units, and stats.

[GitHub] [Documentation] [Online Version]


  • Visual Game Data Editor: Easily define and edit your game's data structure.
  • Source Code Generation: Generate source code to leverage your game data in development.
  • Multi-Language Text Support: Manage and utilize text in multiple languages.
  • Localization Data Export/Import: Export and import data in formats like Microsoft's Excel XLSX, XLIFF, JSON, or XML.
  • Spreadsheet Integration: Streamline your workflow with export/import capabilities using Microsoft's Excel XLSX format.
  • Multi-user support: Users can edit data in collaboration and access it within their code.

Code Modules:
  •  Charon - Required base classes for imported game data.
  • CharonEditor - Editor, extensions providing Import/Re-Import from JSON/MessagePack file functionality.


Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: MS Windows/MacOS/Desktop Linux where .NET or Mono is running.

Supported Target Build Platforms: Any, because native .uasset is used
