
Float Radial Menu

Risecode - 蓝图 - 2024/06/23

Float Radial Menu is a fully blueprint-based system designed to streamline item selection with dynamic, animated menu. This comprehensive tool offers a range of features to enhance organization and presentation items.

  • 支持的平台
  • 支持的引擎版本
    5.0 - 5.4
  • 下载类型

Float Radial Menu is a fully blueprint-based system designed to streamline item selection with dynamic, animated menu. This comprehensive tool offers a range of features to enhance organization and presentation items.

Video Presentation: >>> HERE <<<

Support (Discord): >>> HERE <<<

Documentation: >>> HERE <<<

📣Check other systems: >>>HERE<<<

Float Radial Menu is the perfect solution for developers looking to integrate a robust, blueprint-driven system for efficient content management and intuitive user interaction.



  • Selected Item Display: Automatically showcases selected items, enabling quick access and seamless navigation.
  • Automatic Section Adjustment: Sections dynamically adapt based on item count, ensuring optimal layout and clarity.
  • Montage Selection Capability: Ideal for choosing Montages.
  • Pre-Built Categories: Includes 4 example categories out-of-the-box: Range Weapons, Melee Weapons, Grenades, Emotes.
  • Menu Animation Styles: Circle, Cubic, Core, Frozen, Crazy.
  • Arrow Position
  • Carousel and Widget Speed Control: Adjust carousel rotation speed and widget display speed.
  • Widget Customization
  • Optimized
  • Easy to Use

Number of Blueprints: 5

Input: (Mouse)

Network Replicated: No (The widget is only for displaying data to the user, there is nothing to replicate here, you just need to pass the data to the widget.)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Not Tested